Resolution - Approval of 2021 Texas Legislative Positions - M Viesca/S Johnson
Other Info
Submitted By: Lisa Scarborough on behalf of Mike Viesca/Shannon Johnson
Department: Public Affairs
Financial Impact and Cost/Benefit Considerations: No anticipated impact beyond current staffing is anticipated.
PEC’s Legislative Policy provides a process for the cooperative to advocate or express opinions on behalf of PEC with the Texas Legislature. To do this, PEC’s Board of Directors generally formulate a position to be taken on behalf of the Cooperative. The Board has the responsibility “to routinely and timely take Positions on legislation of interest to PEC and members.” Positions are defined as “the strategic objectives and goals for use with governmental or legislative advocacy by PEC. Positions are utilized in Legislative advocacy on behalf of PEC. Positions are adopted by the PEC Board of Directors.”
The Board may now consider approving the Legislative Positions presented with this resolution.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that the Legislative Positions presented or as modified by the Board this day, are approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, is authorized to participate in legislative activities, as discussed in executive session this day, to benefit PEC Members; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, is authorized to take all such action as may be necessary to implement this resolution.