Member Comments
Other Info
Submitted By: Andrea Stover
Department: General Counsel
Financial Impact and Cost/Benefit Considerations: N/A
All Cooperative Members have the right to attend any meetings called by the Board of Directors as defined in the Cooperative's Articles of Incorporation, and members may speak for up to 3 minutes or as otherwise directed by the Board.
Members may watch this meeting by live stream from the PEC website at
unless otherwise noted.
Board meeting dates, agendas, and supporting materials are available online .
Members also may provide input by using the following methods. Comments are provided to all board directors.
* Members may submit comments and requests to the board by email or U.S. mail.
* Contact a member of PEC's Board of Directors at
Articles of Incorporation, Article IX, Section 3, Member Bill of Rights - Open Meetings:
A Member has the right to attend every regular, special, or called meeting of the Board of Directors and its committees, except for executive sessions as allowed by policy or law. All meetings shall be called with proper notice, and any final action, decision, or vote on a matter shall be made in an open meeting.
Articles of Incorporation, Article IX, Section 5, Member Bill of Rights - Right to Speak:
A Member has the right to speak at every regular, special, or called meeting of the Board of Directors and its committees, except for executive sessions, on any PEC matter at a time designated by the Board.
Members' attendance and their right to speak at all meetings called by the Board of Directors is further outlined in the Decorum Policy.
Decorum Policy, Purpose:
As a democratically-controlled and Member-owned Cooperative, Member participation in Pedernales Electric Cooperative ("Cooperative" or "PEC") affairs is valued and respected and individuals should be...
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