Resolution - Approval of Determination and Approval of Necessity and Public Use for Transmission Easement Acquisition for the Cedar Valley - Friendship Line Upgrade (Engineering Project T358); and Authorization of the Cooperative to Use Eminent Domain to Acquire Property for the Cedar Valley - Friendship Line Upgrade - J Greene
Other Info
Submitted By: Jonathan Greene
Department: Chief Operations Officer - Transmission
Financial Impact and Cost/Benefit Considerations: As discussed in Executive Session.
Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. ("PEC" or the "Cooperative") must acquire easements in Travis and Hays Counties, Texas for its transmission line upgrade of the Cedar Valley - Friendship Line (the "Cedar Valley Friendship Project").
PEC has determined that the Cedar Valley Friendship Project is necessary for its electric utility system serving its members and the electric grid for the State of Texas.
PEC will be delivering initial offers, in accordance with Chapter 21 of the Texas Property Code, to affected landowners. In the event PEC is unable to acquire the easement interests in the Cedar Valley Friendship Project through negotiation and purchase, the Cooperative will seek to acquire the Property through its power of eminent domain pursuant to provisions of the Texas Constitution and the Texas Utilities Code, Chapters 37, 161, 163, 181, and 186.
WHEREAS the Board of Directors of PEC, pursuant to the Texas Constitution and Texas Utilities Code, Section 161.125 and other applicable law, and Chapter 21 of the Texas Property Code, hereby finds that the Cedar Valley Friendship Project is for public use and in the public interest to acquire the interests in the Property through eminent domain proceedings.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COOPERATIVE that acquisition of the Property for installation, construction, operation, and maintenance and upgrade of the Cedar Valley Friendship Project and all ...
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