Draft Resolution - Approval of 2025 Key Performance Indicators Plan - E Dauterive
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Submitted By: Eddie Dauterive
Department: Chief Operations Officer
Financial Impact and Cost/Benefit Considerations: The financial impact of the proposed 2025 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Plan will not be known until after the full KPI Plan Years conclude on December 31, 2025. An estimated amount is included within the approved budget.
The purpose of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is to provide an objective method for evaluating the degree of success with which PEC achieves organizational performance targets. A performance-based financial distribution is calculated for eligible employees who contribute to the advancement of the goals and initiatives outlined in the approved PEC Strategic Plan as approved by the Board of Directors.
PEC’s Board of Directors approves PEC’s KPI Plan annually as well as the subsequent performance-based financial distribution for eligible employees.
The Board of Directors may consider approving the 2025 KPI Plan for implementation in the periods for the 2025 KPI Plan Year.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that the 2025 Key Performance Indicators Plan presented to the Board this day is approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, is authorized to take all actions necessary to implement this resolution.