Draft Resolution - Approval and Review of Holiday Policy - W Burns
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Submitted By: Audri Nelson on behalf of Wes Burns
Department: Human Resources
Financial Impact and Cost/Benefit Considerations:
Pursuant to the Board’s Policy on Policies, the Board routinely reviews all Board policies as part of its policy management. Under the Board’s approved review schedule, the Board may now consider review of the Holiday Policy. PEC provides continuous electric utility services to its Members. PEC’s Business Operations are generally open to Members Monday through Friday during normal business hours. PEC Business Operations will close in observance of Holidays. This Policy establishes PEC’s Holidays.
BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS that pursuant to its regular review of Board policies, the Board has reviewed and adopts the Holiday Policy, with such changes, if any, as were approved by the Board; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, is authorized to take all such actions as may be necessary to implement this resolution.