Resolution - Approval of Purchase of Land in Williamson County - J Urban
Other Info
Submitted by: JP Urban
Department: External Relations
Financial Impact and Cost/Benefit Considerations: As discussed in Executive Session.
The Cooperative will consider authorizing the purchase of real property located in Williamson County on such terms and conditions as further described in Schedule 1 as provided in Executive Session.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COOPERATIVE that the Cooperative approve the purchase of real property, subject to satisfaction of any terms as discussed by the Board during Executive Session of this meeting, with certain details of any such purchase to be publicly available upon public filing of instruments memorializing the transfer; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Executive Officer or designee is authorized to take all such actions as needed to implement this resolution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution supersedes and replaces any other resolution adopted by the Board with respect to the subject matter herein.